AMCO has a consequent quality system
You can trust us - we provide it in black-and-white: with our DIN EN ISO 9001: 2008 certificate. That’s proof of uncompromising quality consciousness and the best performance you can get. And they’re not the only ones because the Bremen Main Customs Office has awarded AMCO the status of a licensed authorised economic operator. And to stay one step ahead, we set our quality targets high and we have ourselves regularly audited by an independent certifying company.
Our employees are also involved in improving the way we think and act – AMCO’s idea management. Each and every employee is called upon to submit written suggestions for improvement. That ranges from product improvement by saving energy right down to time management. Then each department
assesses these suggestions and the employee gets a bonus if they can be implemented. Just one more step on the way to continued success.
AMCO even shines with eco-sensitivity
We don’t just let environmental protection slide at AMCO. We tackle this job whole-heartedly when it’s a question of conserving our natural resources and taking on ecological responsibility. For instance, we briquet scraps gathering at AMCO, recycle them and return the material cycle.
This closed cycle is an important foundation for our sustainable company policy. For us as a progressive company, lowering CO2 emission, a responsible system of waste separation and using energy-saving machines have been standard operating procedures for a long time.
Metall-Service GmbH
Pfalzburger Straße 251
28207 Bremen - Phone: +49 421 41009-0
- Fax:+49 421 41009-718
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